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Sunday, December 22, 2024

God works all things together for good

There’s a marvelous verse in the Bible found in Romans chapter 8, verse 28, that tells us how God orders things in His universe. It says, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.” Note what it says: “all things work together for good.” “All things” obviously includes those things that cause us to suffer. Now it doesn’t say “all things are good.” That’s because there are a lot of things that happen in this world that aren’t good. They can be bad and even evil.

But God gives us the reassurance that He takes all the events of this life and superintends them in such a way, that in the final analysis, they accomplish “good”.  A wonderful example of that is the Biblical character by the name of Joseph. As a young boy of 17, Joseph was hated by his ten older brothers who then sold him into slavery into Egypt. He ended up suffering greatly there, both as a slave and as a prisoner. But through God’s sovereign providence and a series of incredible events, in time, he rose to become Prime Minister of Egypt. As the P.M., in a famine that affected the entire world, he ended up saving many people from starvation including those same ten older brothers of his.

Many years later, his brothers apologized to him for their evil actions to him. Joseph’s response to them was classic: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Joseph realized that the evil that had caused him so much suffering, God had worked out for ultimate good.

That is how God works and that is why sometimes, He allows those of us who love Him to suffer. But then, through it all, He works things together for His glory and for our ultimate good.

I recall reading the story of a seaman whose ship in World War II was torpedoed.  As the ship sank, he managed to grab a few possessions like his Bible and toothbrush. He clung to some wreckage until he drifted ashore on a deserted south Pacific island. He was able to survive quite adequately on the tropical island. He built a small hut,  put his Bible and toothpaste in it and waited to be rescued.

One day, as he was on another part of the island looking for food, a thunderstorm hit. He hid until it passed over. When he got back to his hut, he found it in flames, having been hit by lightning. He was heartbroken and asked God, why after all that he had gone through, He had allowed this tragedy to happen.

Just then, he saw a ship out in the ocean. He shinnied up a tree and waved his shirt to get their attention. Shortly, a rescue boat came and picked him up. The soldier asked the captain if he had seen him waving his shirt. “No,” said the captain, “We saw your smoke signal!”

Maybe you’re looking at your life and aren’t happy with the way things are turning out. But God reassures those of us who believe and love Him, that in the end, it will all work out for good.

In one of his books, Max Lucado says that, in the end, all will turn out good. But, he says, if in your life it’s still not good, then it’s because… you’re not at the end.

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